Briefly in English

Briefly in English
Ice Sculpting Championship of Finland, 23-25 February 2018, Nunnanlahti, Juuka
The Ice Sculpting Championships will be held from 23-25 February 2018 in Nunnanlahti.  The competition is a nationwide, free family event. The local organizer Ellin Taitajat ry is putting this event together with Jäälinna ry and local associations and volunteers. The competitors sculpt ice structures from ice blocks. The judges will evaluate the sculptures on Sunday 25 February from 2-3 pm. The theme for this competition is free to the own choice of the participants.

Friday 23.2: Arrival of the competitors until 7 pm. After that there will be a meeting of the participants and the ice blocks will be allocated to the sculpture groups and solo artists.
Saturday 24.2: Sculpture time from 9am-7pm
Sunday 25.2: Sculpture time from 9am-2pm. From 2-3 pm the jury evaluates the creations and at 3 pm the results will be presented and prizes awarded.
There will be many side activities, among others a snow slope, so children bring your own slides!
See more and follow us on Facebook:
Jäänveiston SM 2018 Juuka Instagram jvsm2018

Here's how to find it: On road number 6, Joensuuntie 1226 A, 83900 Juuka is in the Nunnanlahti village, North Karelia, about 74 km north of Joensuu. The Competition Center is: Tulikivi Restaurant and Tulikivi Studio.
Other distances are: Juuka  13 km, Koli 23 km, Nurmes 54 km.

Local Organizer of ice sculpture competition of Finland: Ellin Taitajat ry
Chairman: Pasi Karjalainen, tel  +358 (0)50 3424203
Competition director: Tapio Vartiainen, tel  +358 (0)50 5220337
Technical preparation of competitions: Tapio Vartiainen
Tapio Brelo, tel +358 (0)500 373 913
Arrival instructions and accommodation: Tuula Ikonen-Graafmans tel  +358 (0)400 674062

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